Aloha Life

Everybody can benefit from and experience the joy of Kahuna! Therapists and novices alike are inspired to share this ancient healing massage. Many attend the training as a gift of personal healing to self and the massage is an additional gift taken home to share with family and friends.
Renewed energy, enthusiasm and excitement for life
Personal growth and self healing on all levels
Vitality and well being
Balance and alignment - emotionally, mentally and spiritually
Insights into the Huna spiritual tradition and how to apply these tools into your life
Flexibility - physically and mentally
Clarity and a sense of purpose
Reclaim a spirit of lightness and fun
Kahuna massage a transformational tool for your own life and to share with others
Practical, meditative tools to work with through movement and mental techniques

A 1 hour Kahuna massage on the back of the body focussing on the back, shoulders, head, neck and feet
Special joint rotations for health and well being
Correct use of energy and posture during a massage session to stay vibrant and healthy as a therapist
Ancient Hawaiian tools to access your real power and potential
Learn about the 7 Huna principles and their application
Powerful techniques to break unhealthy habits and create new habits
Techniques to free the mind from distractions
Learn more about yourself, your belief systems, habitual patterns and how they affect your life
How to build and maintain abundant vital energy (mana)
Huna dance (special movement forms to balance and align body, mind and soul
Bring simple meditative movement back into your life

Introducing the front of the body, the realm of feeling, memories, intuition and the sacred feminine.
At the end of level 2 you will confidently give a 90 minute full body kahuna massage.
Recap techniques and teachings from level 1
Learn to massage the arms
Learn highly effective shoulder rotations and releases
Learn to listen to and respect the timing of working on the more vulnerable front for each individual
Learn the most exquisite facial, neck, head and shoulder massage
Learn to work with flow and hands as soft as clouds on the belly, heart, face, hands and feet
Learn Hawaiian energy balances to ground the recipient at the end of the session
Connect with and enhance your intuitive skills
Share processes to free you of old emotional wounds
Learn to trust yourself and others
Learn about and bring balance to your inner male and female aspects
Heal relationships and learn new skills to enhance intimacy and connection in your life
Connect with sensitivity and compassion for self and others
Learn to combine the qualities of firm and gentle in your massage
More huna dancing, chanting, connecting
More huna magic!!

This is a retreat style training.
Become a confident, professional Kahuna practitioner. Develop the skill required to work with diverse clients with different issues, injuries and problem areas.
What you will learn on Level 3:
Effective use of the technique learnt on Level 1 and 2 (effect positive change with each stroke)
Learn the skillful use of deep and light pressure for different healing effects
Learn to do Client Consultations and how to deliver clear, confident communication about Kahuna bodywork
Professional conduct and awareness of self and others as a bodyworker
Develop body awareness and learn how to read what the body is presenting to you
Underbody technique - (sublime and creates holism between the front and back of the body)
Learn a fully clothed Polynesian floor treatment to release joints and unblock meridians
Learn Kahuna pregnancy massage (nothing quite like it!)
Learn more huna meditations and huna dances
More aloha!
You will receive a certificate on completion on Level 3.

Explore your potential beyond the conditioned limitations of the mind. Enter a sacred realm of spiritual connectedness to everything and a place of infinite possibility freedom.
Lightness of being, breakthrough and freedom are the gifts that level 4 offers.
What you will learn on Level 4:
Deep tissue spiritual release massage. Powerful and direct, this transformational work allows clients to let go of fear, anger, past hurts and traumas during a session
Elemental massage incorporating Earth, Fire, Water and Air
In depth body reading
Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual cleansing and clearing
More huna tools to heighten your mana to heal yourself and others
The marathon massage rite of passage
Balancing of masculine and feminine aspects within yourself and your massage

PONO - be positive
We can effect positive change with ourselves, for others and in the world.
Empower yourself and others.
Facilitate transformation
Deepen your knowledge of Kahuna and Huna
Expand your experience of connectedness and community
Level 5 is a wonderful celebration and recapitulation of all that you have learnt to date on the previous levels.
An opportunity to share our sacred retreat experience with guests invited to participate with us. This creates a fun and intimate community experience and also empowers you by allowing you to witness this transformational journey we co-facilitate together for others. It is traditionally a fun, expansive level which leaves participants and guests alike in awe of this beautiful ancient work we are privileged to share.
There is dialogue and sharing after each session to learn from one another and to broaden our understanding through the powerful medium of feedback. This is a very powerful and enlightening aspect unique to level 5.
Chanting, stretching, flying, huna dancing and reflective time will heighten MANA and ALOHA.

Sacred Level 6 is a sound and soul adventure.
What you will learn on Level 6:
Recapitulate all techniques from the first 5 levels
Allow for greater mastery of technique
Add the element of Sound in our Kahuna massages
Use toning, sounding and chanting for self healing
Learn deep abdominal release work to incorporate in your Kahuna sessions
Deep release breathwork techniques
Skeletal treatment
Underbody work for the bones

Level 7 will be an opportunity to:
Connect deeply to the 7 Huna Principles; expanding our awareness of and connection to KALA, ALOHA, MANAWA, PONO, MANA, MAKIA and IKE.
Learn advanced skills to heighten MANA (through connection to Nature in particular)
Spend time in Nature, connecting to the Elements in new ways
Explore new Breathwork techniques and exercises
Deepen effectiveness of Sounding and Toning, Pule and Chanting,
Flying and Grokking for heightened awareness and KALA (everything is flexible and not as it would seem)
Share Ritual and Dance
Salt Water Cleanse (a tradition practiced by the Hawaiians) for cleansing, letting go, clarity and healing.
Night time nature adventure
There will also be new techniques and advanced bodywork skills taught:
Recapitulation of level 6 sounding and vibrational healing techniques
New Underbody techniques (clavicle, sternum bones and ribcage)
Turning your client for holism and marriage of masculine and feminine
New Skeletal technique
Advanced Stretches for effective joint mobilisation and KALA
Advanced Positions to open and align neck and spine
Massaging Soft tissue areas
Ear massage